Affiliated to MDU | Approved by AICTE
Run by JAT EDUCATION SOCIETY (Regd.), Rohtak

Applied Science
Hod's Message

Using innovation, creativity and wealth of knowledge, engineering graduates are impacting the world unlike others. We welcome budding engineers to this excellent campus of MRIEM. The excellence in teaching and research comes from the careful choice of faculty members in which MRIEM has not made any compromise. The core values of the institute help the students to develop their overall personality and make them worthy technocrat to compete and work at global level.
I am certain that our students will prove to be an individual asset to the institute and any organization.
Dr. Navneet Ahlawat
As an HOD of Applied Sciences Department of Matu Ram Institute of Engineering and Management my prime focus is on students learning. In all the courses students are challenged beyond their comfort zone and encouraged to think critically and creatively. Students must be provided with authentic learning experience. Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the need of individual child. Children acquire skill and knowledge easily if we make surrounding stimulating and purposely. Most of what you see around you was designed by an engineer somewhere.
Staff of Applied Science

Dr. Navneet Ahlawat

Ms. Anjana Nandal

Dr. Anjali

Dr. Renu Sharma

About Course
The Department of Applied Sciences consists of Engineering Mathematics, Physics, Environment Science, Chemistry and Humanities. All the students of B.Tech. (ECE, EE, CSE and Mechanical) study the Applied Science subjects (common in all branches) in the First year of their respective branch.
The department offers courses in:
Environment Education
Communication Skills
Physics Lab
Chemistry Lab
Language Lab
Workshop Training